Saturday, October 12, 2013

7A Failure Helps us to Improve


We have all failed at one thing or another at some point in our lives. As I grew up I started to develop a passion for gymnastics, I loved being at practice and when I wasn’t at the gym I would spend hours practicing in my basement. There are four main events in gymnastics one of them being beam. I was always terrible at beam; I could never remember the routines since I was so concentrated on not falling. Once we started to compete I got the lowest score on beam out of everyone for the entire year. I was extremely embarrassed by this that I started spending more time at the gym with my coaches. Eventually about two years later I started getting better at it and wasn’t so afraid of falling off the beam.
I don’t necessarily think when a kid fails at something it’s a bad thing. I actually consider it to be a good learning experience. For example, by getting the lowest score on beam out of all my teammates for the year it encouraged me to do better and work harder. One of the articles I read this week was “ The Myth of Practice makes Perfect” and something interesting I pulled from this article was “ the difference between ineffective and effective practice means the difference between mediocrity and mastery.” In order to reach that level of mastery not only do you have to put in long hours but also you need to fix the things you’re “failing” at or things that need improvement, which is also known as deliberative practice. I think its important for kids to fail at something early on so they know that not everything is going to come naturally and it can take hard work to accomplish things. I do believe kids are pressured not to fail but like I said there’s always going to be a time where they’re going to fail at something. That’s when they need to have the motive to fix it or have some encouragement from someone else.
No matter where you are you could possibly fail at something whether it is at school, during a sports game, or at home etc. some people may look at failure and think it’s a bad thing but I look at it differently. I see it as a good thing because it shows you what you need to improve on. Nobody’s perfect, we’ve all failed at something so why think of failure as a negative thing when it’s a perfectly good learning experience. Overall I don’t think failure should be frowned upon because it happens to us all and it benefits you by showing what you need improvement on.

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