“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
At first this quote was hard for me to understand but I
think what Shakespeare is trying to say by this is that how you think
determines if you see things as being good or bad. For example, if you get a 75
on a test that you tried you’re hardest on would you be happy or disappointed?
Some people may be happy because they gave there all others would be upset
because if they had studied or payed more attention they could have gotten a higher
score. In other words depending on how you view things and think things out
determine whether you see something as good or bad.
Growth mindset is when you are open minded and you want to
better yourself where as fixed mindset is belief in fixed intelligence in other
words your born with it. Therefore if you read this quote and you say to your
self that you mostly think positively and always look for the positive sides of
something then you would have a growth mindset. If your one that’s pessimistic
and sees the glass half empty then you have a fixed mindset.
and extrinsic motivation also relate to Shakespeare’s quote. Extrinsic
motivation occurs
when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity in order
to earn a reward or avoid a punishment; it is the motivation we get from
outside of us. Intrinsic motivation is our internal motivation. The motivation
we have to do better and the love of learning. Intrinsic motivation would have
to do with a growth mindset because you want to better your learning. Extrinsic
motivation goes with the fixed mindset; you don’t really go above and beyond as
someone with a growth mindset would.
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