Friday, December 6, 2013

15B Finals Week

As finals are coming up I'm becoming more and more overwhelmed. Trying to cram in last minute assignments and memorizing old material unfortunately doesn't come to easy to me. I plan on making a schedule on what needs to get done and when. Thankfully all my finals are spread out throughout the week and I only have one a day. This helps make it not so stressful!
I devoted most of my time this weekend to getting ready for finals and reviewing material so I at least have an idea of what I'm going to be studying for this week. The only two finals I'm really worried about are math and geography. I have a group of people in each of those classes that I'm going to get together with and have a study session. Working in groups always helps me learn better since I get to hear everyone else’s voices not just mine. We plan on meeting the day before the final, I think this will be extremely beneficial since we've done it before this semester and it always helps.

I've tried a lot of study strategies and the one that always works for me is just reading my notes over and over again until it clicks and I actually retain the information. For math we do a lot of our work online. My professor actually gave us a final exam review so I'm going to do that as part of my studying. I also kept all of my quizzes and tests so I'll be looking over those as well. Other than that I’m not really worried about my other classes. I already have what I need for the finals, there’s not any studying involved or needing to remember information, which is my biggest struggle. Therefore I don’t have to worry about them as much.

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