Monday, December 16, 2013

16V Freedom

Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. To me freedom is mostly about being able to do whatever you want. I feel as if my coming to college I’ve had the most freedom than I ever have. I can do things on my own time without someone telling me otherwise. Being free is a great right to have because it allows us all to do what we want and become our own individual person.

Other Vocab:
Capacious- large in capacity
Conditional- imposing or depending on or containing a condition

16AB&I This Is The End

Its crazy to say that I have officially ended my first semester of college! It’s definitely a huge change from high school. It was a lot different since I wasn’t home and never had my family telling what I can and cant do. I must say it was a hard adjustment because I’m not used to doing everything on my own, I’m used to my mom always telling me what I needed to do. It was hard at first but now I can say I successfully got through it!

I have faced many challenges this year in college. I’ll be honest I slacked off so much in high school especially senior year so coming to college was definitely a punch in the face. The hardest part was trying to get everything done in time and balancing out all my classes. I get stressed really easily and so second I hear of one assignment I freak out. I also can only focus on thing at a time, I cant work on one subject then the other without finishing the first. I would always do things the day before they were due. For the most part I never had a test or assignment on the same day so it actually somehow worked out for me. I know it’s not the best strategy but I managed to get everything done!
Another challenge would be being away from home. I’m really close to my family so not having their presence 24/7 can be challenging. I’m not to far away so I see them once in a while but it sucks not being able to attend family gatherings and little things like that. I handled these two situations well, but I could have handled them a much better way. First, I need to work on getting my work done at a reasonable time instead of staying up until 2am to finish it. And, when it comes to family I just need to come to the realization that I’m not going to be able to be with them all the time.

My grades have been good this semester, I’m not complaining about them. I believe I learned a lot in my media class, I had a really good professor who taught in a way that was very understandable. I believe I learned the most from her class; the topic is also interesting to me so that helped as well. My math class was a repeat of last year so I didn’t learn anything new. Although my professor taught math much better so my grade increased from last year. One class that I didn’t learn anything in was my English class. We covered three topics throughout the semester, which were race, gender, and civil disobedience. I’ve covered these three topics since elementary school so I thought this class was just a waste of time.

One specific goal I have for next semester is getting really engaged in all of my courses. I absolutely hate being undecided I just want to know what I want to do in life so I know what courses to take. I’m taking courses that I’m interested in and a few that I know nothing about so hopefully one of them will spark an interest. Overall, my goal for next semester s to continue to get good grades and find a class I really like. My first semester here was a successful one so I can only hope it is as well next semester and for all the rest ahead of me! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

15I Fashion Show

This week I went to the Western Indi fashion show with Emma. It was a last minute thing and we went with our friend Ashley because her roommate was in it. I must say it was not what I expected at all. We still had a lot of fun though because we got to listen to their type of music, as they displayed different types of outfits they would wear. It was a long event so we only stayed for about an hour. I thought it was lots of fun learning about their culture, and very interesting since it was nothing I had expected!

15V Autonomy


Autonomy is the condition or quality of being autonomous; independence. I believe this word relates to college students more than any one else. We no longer have our parents telling us what to do, and our teachers don’t care as much so we don’t have as much pressure on us. Instead we need to be independent and self motivated to get our work done, and do things on our own.

Other Vocab:

Condescending: (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension

Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices

15B Finals Week

As finals are coming up I'm becoming more and more overwhelmed. Trying to cram in last minute assignments and memorizing old material unfortunately doesn't come to easy to me. I plan on making a schedule on what needs to get done and when. Thankfully all my finals are spread out throughout the week and I only have one a day. This helps make it not so stressful!
I devoted most of my time this weekend to getting ready for finals and reviewing material so I at least have an idea of what I'm going to be studying for this week. The only two finals I'm really worried about are math and geography. I have a group of people in each of those classes that I'm going to get together with and have a study session. Working in groups always helps me learn better since I get to hear everyone else’s voices not just mine. We plan on meeting the day before the final, I think this will be extremely beneficial since we've done it before this semester and it always helps.

I've tried a lot of study strategies and the one that always works for me is just reading my notes over and over again until it clicks and I actually retain the information. For math we do a lot of our work online. My professor actually gave us a final exam review so I'm going to do that as part of my studying. I also kept all of my quizzes and tests so I'll be looking over those as well. Other than that I’m not really worried about my other classes. I already have what I need for the finals, there’s not any studying involved or needing to remember information, which is my biggest struggle. Therefore I don’t have to worry about them as much.